




The Ligatne Paper Mill Village is located in the Gauja National Park, with wild animal trails, deep forests full of mushrooms in Autumn, biger and smaller Rivers. This is the place where one of the largest paper mills of Russian Empire in the 19th century was located. The village has its original look but in the sandstone caves previously made for the storage of paper, vegetables, flowers, souvenirs and local vine are now sold. This tour will take 7-8 hours.


Local vine degustation in the sand stone cave „Lustuzis” available.


Ligatne is suitable for Nature walks and Forest Therapy. Marked trails and infrastructure is friendly for visitors. Nature park ( Ligatne Safari) with local wild animals are interetsing not only for young people but also for adults. For Soviet heritage interesents the Ligatne Nuclear shelter is recommended. When it was built, it was hidden under the building of rehabilitation center.

For more information and bookings call +371 29218560 or send e-mail: